Working On Offshore Oil Rigs
Offshore Workers Needed
Manual Labor Workers With No Experience Are Required
Not all jobs on offshore oil rigs require experience or education, and every healthy person between 18 - 55 years of age has chance to get hired as offshore roustabout, the job title most often associated with high salaries one might earn at sea based oil drilling platforms. You also have a chance, even if you've just read on the Internet what work and life on an offshore oil platform could be like. The good piece of news is the following: experience or no experience, but if you have good sense and can follow some simple advice, your chances of getting hired to one of entry-level positions like roustabout immediately soar.
Just think how many people must be looking for the same position as you are. Thousands. Thousands of candidates resumés pass before the eyes of the recruiting agents and the officers in hiring department of oil drilling companies, and most of them almost immediately go to dustbin, unnoticed. Your primary goal should be to compose such a resumé that would stand out from the rest so you would at least get noticed and hopefully shortlisted to deserve an interview. Even if you're applying for an offshore oil job that says the prior experience is not needed, they still prefer the people with experience. But from the other hand, everyone at some moment in their life started as a greenhand, therefore chances are definitely there, in spite of much nepotism in this highly lucrative industry.
Here's the suggested pattern to start with your quest for oil rig employment as a greenhorn:
- Find on the Internet a website that introduces entry level oil job seekers to potential employers and recruiters. These specialized sites would normally offer tools to compose your CV, or you may ask the customer support to provide you resumé writing by a human. Anyway, you better invest time and effort and compose your CV yourself, it's not difficult, considering your online resumé gets generated based on the answers to some standard form questions they provide as hints.
- Create your personal resumé webpage on the same website and make yourself visible to your potential employers online.
- You may also opt to use an automated resumé submission service using the same website interface: your resumé will be e-mailed to the mailboxes of all the subscribers on the database that seek the personnel and take part in the hiring process for offshore oil rigs. It's recommended that you visit every chosen company website and read closely their requirements before applying.
- Follow all responses close every day, and if any, don't fail to respond and show your interest in offers you receive.
For example, you could choose Rigworker that gets lots of good feedback for their Resumé/CV posting/forwarding service that specializes in assisting people to find real jobs in Oil & Gas.
While using online resumé writing/submission service, it is advisable that you never stop your research aimed to discover, which courses or certifications could be helpful so you could complete some of them and update your CV. Those might be courses or programs covering basic safety standards on oil rigs or basic safety and first aid training classes that teach students necessary skills and knowledge.

The truth is that though there has never been shortage of low-skill laborers like roustabouts and roughnecks in the upstream oil industry, by the measure of the old workforce wearing out, new hands are needed to replace them. That's why recruitment process for the offshore oil drilling positions never stops. For example, the productive staff who's currently in their forties will retire in 10-15 years, and the gap is to be filled be no experience greenhorns. The other offshore entry-level encompass not just workers of manual labor like roustabouts, deckhands, roughnecks, painters, scaffolders, stewards, galley hands, boilers, welders and welder helpers, and the list goes on. You could successfully land one of these no-prior-experience-needed simple jobs, each of them being entry level position to allow you put your foot in the door of this most secluded, yet so much well paying oil & gas industry.
Your chances as an applicant get increased greatly, if you have whatever small experience in one of the land based industry, where the skills are transferable. For example, if you had an opportunity to work at a hotel in catering, you may well apply for a position of Steward on offshore oil rigs. It also could be very beneficial, especially for greenhand roustabout candidate to mention in their CV he has recently completed courses on first medical aid, CPR, or got helicopter survival certification. These signs of your being both hazards and safety conscious won't fail to be noticed and appreciated by recruiters shortlisting candidates for interview.
Another important thing is that regardless of the company's head office whereabouts, you may be hired to work on oil rigs in any sector, onshore or offshore, in any part of the world. That's due to the big competition among oil exploration companies for drilling contracts, and the site the company has won may be located anywhere between Alaska and South Africa.
tags: oil rig jobs in USA & overseas * entry level construction jobs * North Dakota Texas * oil jobs in Alaska * offshore entry level IT jobs * cementing assistant * radio operator * electrician * more responsibility * derrick hand * supervise crew of deck roustabouts
Offshore Salaries
Offshore jobs offer impressive salaries primarily due to the challenging conditions on workplace at sea and both direct and indirect health and live risks you get exposed to compared with onshore facilities. But even on the land oil industry pays still better than most of the other industries in the USA, UK, and other countries
- Maintenance roustabout earns up to $48,000 if calculated based on different statistics sources in average;
- All sorts of helpers and on site apprentices - salary $35,000 per annum
- Roustabouts, salary $43,000 - $55,000 per year;
- Welders - can net $US 63,000 a year
- Radio operators - $62,000 a year. This entry level job stands out - it doesn't involve heavy manual labor and doesn't require force and endurance.
- Storeman - $57,000 to $60,000 per annum, should be computer literate
- Camp boss - $US 62,000
- Mud engineer pays $72 K a year.
- Scaffolders - salaries differ greatly from rig to rig
- Medics, it's enough to be a nurse or even paramedic to get hired for this position, salary starts at $68,000.
- Oil Rig Safety & Training Coordinators may expect to earn somewhere around $80,000 yearly.
- Steward's salary typically is up to $45K a year.
- Painter salary - $US 57,000
- Motorman, mechanic - $55,000 and $85,000
Take these oil jobs or other, the outlook for them is to stay very good and promising at least for the next two decades, which means the positions in offshore oil drilling industry are well worth competing for an entry level, because the career prospect they promise are really exciting and extremely rewarding. That's a challenge to be met, tough guys!
I'm an Electrical Supervisor in the Mining industry, which, I believe, is very much akin the Oil & Gas, and I have been in mining since 2005, when at the age of 45 I was lucky to start my internship program as onsite apprentice after I retired from the military. I had my time split into the hours I worked and the time I learned specifics under supervision of instructors. As soon as I completed the bridging courses to make my then existing qualifications transferable and adjusted to what is required for the mining needed for my ticket, I've been set for the new career in the mining industry. It's really hard for newbbies without any prior mine experience to get your foot in the door, unless you have been referred and highly recommended by a respected team member. Currently I am in charge of the interview process, and I can recall only one instance myself when I shortlisted an applicant without practical experience. I did that simply because of the attitude that candidate revealed during the prefatorial interview. From my personal communication with a couple of people I know are on offshore oil rigs, it's very similar there either. There's a fully functioning apprenticeship scheme available with them that have been implemented and existing, with a good pool of the selected candidates. The difference is the rigs have smaller groups with only 4 or 5 interns on the books. The bottom line is here: it is very important to turn up in the right place at the right time. Be persistent, never give, try every opportunity, even do not neglect the chance of getting temporary position on the deck as a motorman or roustabout. With getting not important which position, even one of a galley hand you're already inside. At that point you will notice a lot of the employment opportunities, just don't be afraid to make your hands dirty and work hard. I'd also recommend creating a profile on sites like the Rigworker - there's much talk about it, I noticed.